Sometimes we feel so much pressure to come up with something interesting about our life. On a day to basis, life can be so mundane.
The weekend was actually craft inspired. Edie has been wanting to make a calendar for Jessica's classroom. A silly longing since she really remember calendars from grade school. Jessica didn't feel the love on the calendar but she agreed to put it up. It wasn't awesome, but okay. But several students mentioned something about it, so that's all the encouragement Edie needs for April.
Work is going on the baby can we know so many people having babies? There could be an explosion going on. But Edie busted the sewing machine, went to have it repaired (there's only one place in the Valley now) and bought a new one. What a throw away society. A new one is a bit more than the bottom price to service or repair. The new one is pretty much the same as the old one, only a fraction of the weight though.
In Edie's small group (Monday afternoon scrapping at Diane's) we have added two new people! The lovely church ladies pray, eat, chat, and craft. We're learning how to make cards from a retired CIA card making queen. She has fascinating stories. She's met Ronald Reagan a couple of times, been hugged by George Bush (the dad) and has a mean mother-in-law, and is the queen of making cards. Oh, and she makes tasty desserts.
If there's not too much about Dave, it's because he's the one working. He's also working with Sentinels of Freedom. There was a great, and very long, ceremony last night to welcome Jay to Pleasanton.
The rain is finally breaking up, but the Guv says we're in a crisis drought, so who knows....there sure has been a lot of rain. We have been able to get in a couple of walks though. Things are beginning to get real green and the blossoms are out, so winter could be over soon.