We left Pleasanton on Good Friday at 7 am, riding south to Simi Valley. It was great being on the bike again. The winter was long, cold, and wet. And oh yeah, tax season in there too.
Here we are on Saturday morning. Please note the wide angle...new camera!

Here's Pete making a movie. He's looking in to a screen and reading a play by play of a baseball game. When he was finished, we walked over to another screen and watched. It's much harder to do than it sounds.

We started the tour by watching a very short video of what was going on and it was shocking....30 years later and we're in the same situation. High gas prices (although we don't have gas lines, yet), high unemployment, out of control government spending, Middle East turmoil (remember the attach in Beirut?)

This museum is very interactive, an adult discovery museum. You can stand at this podium and see how a TelePromtR works.

Pete being Pete, a big ham.

Bret being cool

This is an exact replica of the Oval Office, many of the items are the real thing

Awesome view...Fabulous location

They have really done an outstanding job on this exhibit. Air Force One is surprisingly stark.

Even the Lincoln looked simple

We spent hours in the museum and had a great time. It is surprising how much happened during the 8 years of the Reagan Presidency. We miss him.