Sunday, September 16, 2012

MoMo to Motorcycle

Our oldest grandson was enamored with all things with wheels from the start.  He learned all about motorcycles from his G.Pa's garage.  He called motorcycles "MoMo's" and we thought it was very cute.  He read through all the motorcycle magazines and pointed out the motorcycles, helmets, and every rider was his G.Pa.

There were two motorcycles and he liked his G.Ma's mostly because he fit better on the smaller one.  He no longer asks his G.Pa to take him to the garage to sit on the motorcycle, but he still likes it....since he climbed up, all by himself, without asking (need to work on that one) while visiting this week.

You can really tell how much he's grown too.....

I sure hope G.Pa checks all the switches and dials before he rides.....

He's just too cute...and still doesn't quite fit in to the helmet.....

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Late Summer Fun

Our grandchildren dropped by at lunch to play with their toys...when they see the toys, they act like they're new toys.....and I still can't believe Dave allows his garage to be filled with all their toys...good job G.Pa.
We didn't buy them all.....Auntie Donna gets some of the credit.....this is just one of about NINE Tonka Trucks that she donated to their stash.
And please note the totally cool Converse shoes that E is sportin'........

Friday, September 14, 2012

How Did This Happen So Quickly?????

What a difference one year makes.  The big difference for us is that Ezra can barely fit in the Cozy Coupe and Theo has moved in to the driver's seat.....I thought they'd both ride in it and share, but you can see how that's working out....
The bottom right photo was one year ago....just before Theo was born....a bit over one year...amazing.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bubble Time

One of the very best things about living so close to our grandchildren is that they can drop by for a quick visit...or a long visit.  We get to see our little dudes a couple times a week.  I was asking Dave if they would talk about their crazy G.Ma that's hugging and kissing on them all the time, or if they'd feel really loved.  He wisely answered that they'd feel very loved.  What a wise man I married.  Lucky me.

When we were in Reno, we saw a group of small children playing with bubbles.  Of course we checked it out and paid $10 for a flimsy bubble wand that will last a few days before breaking, if we're lucky.  We readily admit that we NEVER would have made this purchase when we were merely parents.  There's something about "Grand" being attached to parents that makes you nutty.  Really, for us to drop $10 doesn't sound like much.....unless you know's a whole new us.  Sounds downright silly when I say it out loud, but that's how we once rolled.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hot Air Balloons in the Dark

On Saturday and Sunday the events begin at 5 am at the Reno Hot Air Balloon Races.  Again, EVERYONE knows that I don't do early am.....and most definitely NOT before the sun rises....much less two hours before sunrise.  I made an exception for this one, good choice.  I read raves about the Glow Patrol and Dawn Patrol, all happening in the dark.  The Glow Patrol, meh, the Dawn Patrol is AMAZING.

We leave the hotel at 4 am...well 4 something...I'm really not sure because I was not fully, or maybe even partially, awake.  Right away we can tell this is not going to be as laid back as Friday.  The lobby is humming, there are lines for the free shuttle, strollers are packed with dazed little ones (I'm not going to take my little dudes to this for a few years.  I think I would be asking for it.  I was cranky so I'm pretty sure they'd be cranky).  We hit the street, in total darkness, to walk up that hill again.  One member, who I shall not name but they know who they are, checked the shuttle...but then boldly made the walk.  There's traffic, college students joined us on the walk as we went by the University of Nevada, Reno housing, buses, and lines of cars.  Here's what it looked like.......

Isn't this a wonderful photo?  Taken by DAVE!!!!!
We get to the park, buses are unloading, we can't see in front of us (although I did have my trusty little purse flashlight that my SIL gave me and BSF taught be to carry at all times) and I ask "I wonder how many people fall at this event since you can't see a thing and there are curbs?"....just then, one of us goes down!  Not to worry, all is does make me a bit nervous with our medical team goes down though.

I was able to learn some new tricks with the camera....although there's some weird water spotting marks  (you can see them on the last photo with the moon) that I'm not sure about.  Dave took some iPhone photos, not so great.  Bret took SPECTACULAR photos on his little point and shoot.

We can HIGHLY recommend this event.  Make room on your schedule to attend this next year.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hot Air Balloons

I've thought it would be wonderfully exciting to see the Hot Air Balloons in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I just don't see New Mexico in October happening for us anytime soon.  I've been bummed about that.  Then I saw an article that mentioned the Hot Air Balloon Races in Reno, NV.  That is totally doable for us. Combine this with the motorcycle, throw in a few friends, and now we're talking fun!  I love when a plan comes together.

Off we go around 12:07 (we were late for AIS, babysitting duties with the little dudes).....
We rode up to Reno on one of my most favorite roads, Highway 108, the Sonora Pass.  If you have never driven on this road, you simply must make arrangements to do this.....soon....sometime when the pass is open beginning June through October, or thereabouts.

We met up with the third couple who drove, see, we're a large tent, allowing non-riders to hang with us.  Having a chase car is actually indulgent, I love it.

This is the 31st year of the Hot Air Balloon Races in Reno and they have it down.  The event is held on  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  We went on Friday for the Mass Ascension.  Friday was laid back, not too many people, we were able to walk up close to the balloons and talk to the people. 

The Mass Ascension started at 6:45 am....and everyone knows how I feel about the early am....NOT a fan.  The walk from the hotel was around 1 1/2 miles, uphill, so we left around 6 am, to make sure we didn't miss a thing.  The hotel had free shuttles, but we laugh at shuttles.  We were walking. Uphill.  Now this whole thing was my idea so I'm feeling a bit responsible and hoping the gang enjoys the event.  I know this isn't as large as New Mexico, but it sounded pretty big.  As we walk up, we're not seeing any balloons.  This is what we see.....
I'm thinking....uh oh.........
I needn't have worried though.  This is the first day and they're getting things going...not always on worries.  Our friends were having fun too.
There were plenty of balloons to keep us all happy.  The announcer had the best sound system and we learned about the balloons, how they work, how they fly, etc.  We especially enjoyed the Star Wars theme.
The balloon teams are very large...because there is plenty to do to get the thing in the air and then packed away when finished.  The team spreads out a huge tarp, lays the balloon out on the tarp, fills the balloon with cool air using a fan, then several people hold the opening of the balloon while they fire it up and heat the air. Someone is standing in the basket while all this takes place.  Someone else is holding on a line to straighten the balloon as it fills up. When it's ready to lift, they tilt the basket up and they lift off.   When finished the whole crew gets to stuff everything back in to a bag. This is a very simplistic explanation, but I wanted you to understand some of the photos to follow. 
They begin the event every morning with a fly over and singing the National Anthem.  One balloon goes up carrying the flag.  Very nicely done.
I'll tell you about the EARLY morning later.....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Baby T is One

This is Baby T after enjoying his birthday cupcake.  There are no photos of him with the cute crown his mama purchased because he was not having that thing anywhere near his head.  So funny...just like his mama....she NEVER liked anything on her cute head cute cute hair clips.  Anyway....back to Theo.  We didn't even have a family birthday party.  We tried later but he was having his evening melt down.  You know where he is so tired that he cries and won't let you hold or cuddle him....but he still doesn't want to go to bed?  Not much fun.  I was really hoping to have that First Birthday page in his scrapbook.  This most likely will be a traumatic moment in his childhood when he realizes that he didn't get as much attention as his older brother.  Oh well....he should get use to this....I'm sure we'll make up for it in many other ways.

We are only now getting to know Baby T.  While he was a nursing baby he spent most of his time with his mama.  Now we get time with Baby T and we're figuring things out.  We LOVE this little guy and he finds us useful.

Early on we heard that horrendous screech and we call him a human raptor.  He cleverly figured out this is the most effective way of getting any one's works....quickly....and every time.  We should ignore it until he stops this habit, but it is more painful than fingernails on a chalk board.

Killer smile...his little smile and grin is captivating.  He has so much joy that it can't be contained in his little body so it comes out on his face.

He's got soul....he grooves to the music...any music....and he has rhythm to go with it.  He rocks, sways, waves his arms in the air.

The little guy is crawling like crazy, pulling himself up, and walking along while holding on to things.

He's quite an explorer too.  He'll head on down the hallway, all alone, to search for something interesting.  One of his favorite places is the left cabinet where we keep diapers, wipes, DVD's and all things grandchildren.  His other favorite thing is to crawl back to our bathroom, pull up next to the tub, and then turn the water on and reach in to the stream of water.  He LOVES running water.

He is a VERY picky eater.  We think it may have to do with texture.  He likes his food smooth.  We know right away when he doesn't like something because he spits it out and/or throws's a HUGE mess.

Already he knows how to get his big brother in crying as though he's been hurt...even when his brother hasn't touched him.  How do they know to do that?  He is enjoying his big brother, crawling all over E.Boy, getting in to E.Boy's stuff.  E.Boy tells him he's too little and he can play when he gets big like E.Boy.  We're pretty sure they're going to be friends...and annoy one another too.

We just couldn't possibly love this little guy any more than we already love him.  He is sweet, joyful, and has plenty of grins to melt our hearts.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Man Skirt

There are so many things in this world that I do not understand.  One of them is why my SIL would possibly want to purchase, much less actually wear, a man skirt.  He calls it a kilt, but we all know it is really a skirt worn by a man....a man skirt.  I know he has Swedish ancestry, but I was not aware of any I know.  So I guess it isn't that odd, but is odd.  Let's just call it quirky.

We have a HUGE annual Scottish event held right here in town.  Dave and I have never been.  Not that we're against sounds very interesting.  We're just not in to crowds, standing around, and we've been to Scotland, so we'll go do something else over the long weekend.  The kids love this event and try to attend every year.

This year J made matching kilts for the boys.  When she was fitting E, I may have made a comment...something like "oh, you have a boy skirt".  E turned to his mama and told her he didn't like it.  Then his mama gave me a VERY unfriendly look....maybe a growl.  I did say "oh, you'll be like all the others boys and men at the Scottish Games".  I'm pretty sure he picked up on all this, plus his mama's look, and knew he'd be wearing it, so he decided he would remain silent and see how this played out.

All the years that I was praying for a perfect man to marry my daughter, it NEVER crossed my mind that he would dress himself and my grandsons in skirts.  I just mark that up to an over sight on my part and an added benefit to the package.
 This is where I learn that my SIL is in the House of Gordon because his mother was a Crombie. Oh, and that my SIL is introducing my oldest grandson to medieval weaponry.
My littlest grandson slept through this part...I hope....and it was his very first birthday.  Isn't he the sweetest most angelic little baby? Yeah, I think so too....
For many years...and I mean SIL has wanted a Utilikilt.  He's offered to work the booth to earn a discount, etc.  He REALLY wants one of the things.  He's described it to us, but honestly, we really don't get it.  Even if their motto is "for everyday wear".  Because we're crazy and...well, crazy pretty much sums it up....we thought we would give him his Christmas present early.  So after some texts and calls to our daughter, we set it all up.
He was one happy man skirt wearing guy
And here are a few more photos of the day's events

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


 On a warm day with a gentle breeze, the conditions are perfect!
I can't explain it, but I LOVE it.  I think it's beautiful.  I feel JOY when the laundry is hanging on the line.
The towels are a bit stiff the first time you dry off.  I think of it as a loofah.  When there's a breeze, they aren't as stiff.
I opt for all white towels...bathroom and kitchen....that way I can wash them all on Hot and use bleach.  After an afternoon on the line they smell good and I think they're uber sanitized.
This clothesline was built by my father-in-law over 50 years ago.  Not fancy, but it's perfect.  My husband climbed on this clothesline when he was a boy and now my grandson climbs on it. I LOVE that.