Can you believe it? Ezra is 3! Wow, it seems like it has only been a few months.....
Jessica arranged a low-key family, and friends who are family, cake & ice cream get together. Ignore the nasty lines from my icky kit lens that has a replacement on the way from Amazon.
Even Theo had a gift to open....yet another #1 hit from Auntie Donna & Uncle Bret. LOUD..and without an OFF switch.
Here's Papa, finishing up the cake, and yes he's still rockin' the kilt....and the Birthday Boy blowing out the candles. The "Woody" cowboy hat is from G.Ma and G.Pa, purchased from Christesen's on Main Street of course. It was a hit and he wears it all the time.
Ezra understands the whole opening gifts, etc. He's been waiting for his birthday for so long. He has everyone's birthday, in order, memorized. It was a fabulous way to teach him the months and calendar.
Fun times visiting with everyone. Perhaps we'll be able to fit Theo in to the birthday rotation? Still not quite sure how we all missed the First Birthday.