This is our toughest month of the entire year. We are so close to the end of our busy season, yet so far away. Really people, bring your tax stuff in early because we are zombies by the end of March. Oh, and there is ALWAYS something big that happens in March. Like the straw that broke the camel's back. Many times it is an event that if it occurs after April, we can handle it in stride. When it happens in March, well, it is drama multiplied by a million. Sometimes it is even something good that happens, like a brand new baby girl arriving. We're just so weary and short on margin in our lives for anything extra.
You should be so proud of us since we are continuing our Family Night Dinner. Our oldest grandchild is enamored with Family Night Dinner. He LOVES it. And I get to try out new recipes, most from Pinterest. Last night was Ginger and Cilantro baked Tilapia
So I may have gotten a tad bit carried away with the garlic (Dave disagrees, he says you can NEVER have too much garlic) and it was still delicious. Very healthy too! This most definitely will be seen again on the dinner table. We served this over brown rice (LOVE Trader Joe's frozen rice) along with fresh steamed asparagus. Oh, and as an added bonus, I may have met a new best friend while purchasing the Tilapia at the fish counter.
Again, dessert was a big hit. I think my little boys have a major sweet tooth. We had Angel Food Cake and I cut it open to add sliced fresh strawberries and Cool Whip (yeah, I know, I got lazy and didn't make real whipped cream...can you forgive me?). I covered it with even more CW and fresh berries.
Both boys were "exuberant" last night. Right after bath they took off running around the house buck naked. I'm pretty sure Mama took video of this event. What is it about freshly cleaned babies running around naked? They were careening with reckless abandon, pure joy. They were loving it. Well not so much when E whacked his head against the marble topped island. He's just at the perfect height, which we discussed several days ago and cautioned him. Really though, does a three year old comprehend "caution"?
We trudge on....loving these sweet moments. Well, not the whacking of the head, but the rest of it was spectacular.