Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pressure to Blog

We're feeling pressure to write something interesting....trouble is, our daily life is boring. Not that we're complaining, boring is a pleasant change from our year in exile. Today Dave figured out that we moved three times in less than one year's time.

Our construction punch list is dwindling down to a few annoying items. Our gas fireplace sometimes fails to light. And we're really loving our gas fireplace. At the flip of the remote (when it works) the logs are lit and the room gets toasty in nothing flat. It looks real too.

Not really why, but after a couple of hours in a 5th grade classroom, Edie is exhausted. She's pretty much just filing papers for Jessica, but she comes home spent. It could be the level of activity in the room, not anything like what she's used to. She did learn a little about clouds from Jessica working with the class on their 5 paragraph non-fiction stories. Today she brought In-n-Out burgers, fries, and soda for lunch...always an adventure.

We picked up the Mercedes from the dealer. Please explain how you go from the service rep saying that we really are not due for service, to an $1,800 bill. Is it time for something new?

The weather has been spectacular....we're planning on riding this weekend....hope Edie's bike starts, it's been so long since she's taken it out for a ride.

1 comment:

W and J said...

Ha! Glad to hear you learned something new. And let's not forget your interior design moves..much more than just filing! :) Now you know why I'm so exhausted all the time, huh?!? Definitely make sure Dad knows too so he can stop teasing me! He really has no idea what it's like to teach 32 ten and eleven year olds! ;0)