Thursday, December 18, 2008

Military Homecoming

We went to another Homecoming last week for Chris, the eldest son of Matt & Cindy. The arrival was all set for 8 pm. I was at home, all warm and comfy, and did not want to venture out. I was feeling really guilty for even considering missing the event. After all, Chris is a Marine and was getting back from months in extreme conditions...and here I was not wanting to leave my warm cozy home. I mentioned this to Dave and the look he gave me....

So off we went. Along Main Street (if you haven't seen the decorations you're missing a spectacular scene) there were a handful of somber looking people in front of the Museum. They were holding a very large sign.....Pleasantons 4 Peace. Where do you suppose the opposition to that could be?

As we neared the home of Chris' parents, the streets were lined with cars and Welcome Home & Thank You signs. The court had been closed off and there were tons of people milling about. It was very cheerful....neighbors, friends, strangers were talking and greeting one another. We ran in to several people we hadn't seen in months. Everyone was having a good time.

We had to stop our visit when the Patriot Guard motorcycle escort arrived with Chris and family right behind them. It was 44 degrees and I was cold just standing still...I can't imagine what it would be like on a motorcycle riding in from the Oakland Airport.

Cindy was happy to have her #1 child home at and sound and all grown up. But then I realized that as elated as Cindy dear friend Jan is churning because her only son is about to go to Afghanistan at the end of the month. It was rather poignant....and very real. This is the reality of any conflict...many faces...and not many are pretty.

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