Monday, February 14, 2011

Quick and Fast Dinner

Jessica had this posting about her dinner, along with a recipe. Dave mentioned that it looked really good, which surprised me because he tries to limit his carb intake. I decided to go ahead and make the recipe. But as I began, I realized I didn't have half of the ingredients, so I improvised. It was delicious!

I don't want to give you a recipe because I really emptied out the frig. But this does include a pound of hamburger, can of diced jalapeno tomatoes (14 oz I think), mushrooms, 2 1/2 c of whole wheat pasta, chopped spinach (I put in an entire bag of frozen chopped spinach), chopped onion, chopped red peppers, cumin, salt, pepper, 2 cups of water. I had it on medium to low heat for about 12 minutes (until the pasta is al dente) when the lid on. Then I shut off the heat and put on a lot of grated parmesan and put on the lid again.

It tastes as great as it looks!

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