So this is how it all came about.......
Jessica and Wills dropped off Ezra while they went for the ultrasound. They told the tech that they didn't want him to tell them the gender right now, but would he please fill out the card they made and then put it in the envelope and seal it. He said this is the first time anyone had asked him to do this, but he thought it was pretty cool. He even double wrapped it with paper so no one could peek. Then he added a few of the photos for good measure, as if anyone can really tell a darn thing in those fuzzy photos.
Ezra was picked up and we were handed the envelope. We're feeling a little like Mission Impossible spies. The pressure was really mounting. I was afraid to speak to anyone that I might make a mistake and spill the beans.
Off we went to the Mall. When we parked and shut the car off, we opened the envelope and were just shocked to see it there before us. Grandson or Granddaughter?
We started off at Nordstrom's (I have free money there, it's my favorite) but were bitterly disappointed that nothing jumped out and shouted "buy me". So we went to Janie and Jack, or whatever that little shop is called. We found some things, but it wasn't totally for sure "it". Then I dragged Dave to Macy's (I have gift cards and coupons there, but who doesn't? They practically pay you to shop there) and again, nothing great. Lots to look at, but nothing grand. It all kind of looks a like. So back to the little shop that I did not have coupons, gift cards, or free money for, and we made our purchase. The clerk said she's done this before and was very helpful. She even tried to show us how to read the photos. Which we still can't figure out. And I just couldn't keep from buying something for Ezra too. I can now see why so many of my friends just don't buy anything. When you try to be equal, it costs a lot of money!
Anyway, back to the original or blue? girl or boy?
And this is the answer with flash
Well.....looks like Ezra will be passing down his stuff to his little brother. Names are being hashed out right now....lots of discussion and worlds apart. I know it will turn out perfect!
HOORAY!!! Thanks for being part of the grand plan. We LOVED finding out this way & you guys did superb job!! Mission Accomplished!
this is such a cute way to find out! how fun that you guys got to be the very first to know!!
i have seen a lot of thie type of thing of my girlfriends had the tech write down the gender on paper, seal it, and my friend and her hubby opened it at dinner.
another friend did the same thing, but they handed the sealed envelope to a baker and had them make a cake and do either pink filling or blue filling accordingly. then, when her and her hubby sliced the cake, they found out.
totally cute and creative ideas! i think we may do something like this for the 3rd. SO FUN!!
congrats you guys! you are awesome grandparents! these boys are very lucky to have you!
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