Cindy kept many of the toys her boys played with, including the blocks. This was a huge set of the good solid wood kind that we all remember. Scott was building towers, Ezra mostly walked on them and stuck this one in his mouth.
Riley, the uber-friendly Spaniel was a big hit with Ezra. Me I mostly kept him from giving me a bath. Tough to do when I was down on the floor with the blocks, kids, and dog.
Scott & Ezra both LOVE books. Scott had some old favorites. Neither one of them is in to sharing....yet.

Here we are off to the park!
Scott looks so much like his dad, a mini-Seth. He is so sweet and happy.
Scott LOVES to swing high, Ezra not so much...although with the peer pressure he did put his hands in the air and say "Weeeee", just like Scott.
These are the most ridiculous teeter-totters. I'm sure it's a safety thing.
Scott is learning to like the slide. This is the big slide.

Cindy & Scott on the big cement slide
Ezra & me on the cement slide. Ezra was going down alone until he figured out the friction was very hot....then he wanted to be semi-on my lap
Scott & Ezra making the car do laps
At the end of our visit, Ezra decided he REALLY liked Scott. So being Ezra, he grabs Scott in to a tight bear hug. There's just one thing Ezra didn't figure on.....
Scott isn't in to being squeezed. So Scott, being the solid built guy, pushed back :( But they're still buddies. They just need to figure out the physical stuff :)
Looks like a fun time had by all!
scott looks solid! he could give brady a run for his money. haha!
you are such an involved grandmother! i am so jealous, our parents need to take a lesson from you guys!
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