Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Arterburn Traditions

A big thing for us is washing our cars. Dave and I would wash our cars together every weekend when we were first together. After Jessica was born, we still washed our cars together which meant there were plenty of photo ops with that sweet adorable little girl covered in bubbles. Now we mostly pay someone else to wash our cars, especially since moving where the water is so hard it comes out of the faucet in chunks. I know you think I'm making that up, but it is horrible.

I ended up with Ezra this last weekend. He was pretty upset that grandpa and the motorcycle were not in the garage. The car needed washing, and I couldn't see driving across town and trying to watch Ezra while the car got washed. Plus I wasn't feeling good about him seeing others doing these I decided we'd do this together. Yeah, about that........
Here he is cleaning up after he was covered in dirt from digging in the yard
Isn't this just the cutest little guy? I LOVE him!

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