Friday, November 11, 2011

Ezra has a New Bike!!!!

My SIL is a deal hunter on Craigslist. He found a brand new bicycle, with the tags still on it, for $45! Including the Harley Davidson helmet with flames, perfect for Ezra who has a motorcycle obsession (wonder where that comes from?!).

Ezra was able to ride a tricycle when he was 18months old. He is such an overachiever. Really. That is spectacular. He has really great eye/hand coordination too, but that's for another post.
The training wheels are completely on the ground. I know there are some who are totally against training wheels. There are some little bicycles that do not have peddles. This gets the child accustomed to being upright on two wheels. You can see we're old school, he's using training wheels.
Not too sure that the helmet is effective when worn with a hat underneath, but that's how Ezra rolls. He insists on wearing a hat and goggles (you might call them sunglasses, but you would be wrong).
I spent the afternoon with him so his mama could get stuff done. I decided that he would ride to the local park. Our town has many fantastic parks, one for each neighborhood. He is completely unaware of dangers, but he's learning. He may have learned that those curbs are tricky. There was a bit of a tumble, but he brushed it off.

We left right after his nap, without any lunch, so we went to Safeway (I may have let him ride his bike inside the store because I didn't have a lock) and I bought him....a doughnut!!! His eyes lit up. He LOVED it! Oh, and some water to wash it down. He downed the doughnut as soon as we got to the park.

He was totally exhausted as we turned on to his block. I just mapped it and he rode almost TWO MILES!!!!! And he's not even two years old. WHAT A LITTLE STUD!!!!!

And I'm exhausted because I was trotting right along side of him.....he's fast. Oh the adventures of being a grandparent :)


ddudley said...

I love seeing your adventures with Ezra! He will probably be an athlete when he grows up. 2 miles is a lot for a two year old!

W and J said...

The deal was better than $45! ;) And I love that pic of E eating a donut you texted! The thing is huge! Glad you both got a great work-out--thanks for running him out!