If you want the short version, RDV (Readers' Digest Version), then go down to the photos. For those of you in for the long version.....
I'm always up for a change in hair dressers. My last long-term stylist left a few years ago for Carmel. I tried to follow him, but since I go every five weeks, well, that wasn't going to last for long. So I've been on a search for the new one.....who I would stay with. I've been through a few, and then last year I was strongly referred to Vicky....she's really young, keeps me current, very good with color (if I should ever need that :)) and cut.
Vicky was located in Danville. Now for those who know me, I do not like to travel out of my Pleasanton, Main Street radius, so Danville is way out there. Then she moved to the Blackhawk Plaza.....that really set me off...I may have even whined about it. But then, the shop owners didn't pay their rents (for over $300K!!!)and she had to move at a moments' notice . She ended up at Tribez, in Danville, which is much closer to me. Funny how all of a sudden south Danville now seemed close.
My first visit at the new location was just before Thanksgiving. I'm usually her first appointment, but not this time, and she was running a little behind. I had a half hour to kill. First I went to the consignment store that's just below the salon...what a rip! The prices were so high. Then I saw McCaulous' right across the driveway. My manicurist (yeah, I know, I'm high maintenance) always finds great deals here. So I walk over, open the door, and step right in to the children's department...it was a sign.
First off, J and I had been talking about rain boots for E that day....and there's an awesome selection of great boots. I see the flames, and we all know how E LOVeS motorcycles, so I must buy them! And they have his size! The flames are really firemen, but still, I MUST buy. Then I talk with two GREAT sales clerks. Then I buy an umbrella!!! I go for Thomas the Train, which I don't really know what that is, but I'm sure I'm about to learn all about. Oh, and they had "unders" on sale, that's E's word for big boy underwear. So of course I had to buy a couple of packages. They had Cars too, E loves his pull-up Cars diapers.
Now I really haven't bought that much for E. He's so young, J finds awesome deals on stuff, plus he has tons of hand me downs. But all of a sudden, I'm buying tons. And now that we have two grandsons, I know I'll get lots of use out of stuff.
Finally I gave E his boots, umbrella, and unders. He LOVES them. His boots went right on. He loved the train on the handle and played with that as though it were a toy train. Then he went outside, looking for rain. The forecast is clear for days. Poor J.....she's going to be hearing about this for some time.
Oh, and he was so busy playing that he did not use the potty, so he got to wear a pair of his new unders.......it's a process.
Seriously! What a crack up! And you'd be surprised to know that they also make great biking boots too. Finally living up to your indulgent gma status, eh? ;)
omg, WHERE did you find that thomas umbrella? brady's OBSESSION right now is thomas, id love to get that for a xmas present!!
ok i just went back and read your post...ill be in danville this wknd and will definitely be making a stop there! ;)
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