Monday, May 28, 2012

While Cleaning Out a Drawer.....

Is this the CUTEST?  We think so!

Have you ever opened up a drawer, looking for something, and just can not find a darn thing?  You start moving everything around and realize it is clutter gone wild?  Well, that's what happened to me the other day.  And I KNOW that Dave is either cringing every time he opens that drawer, or he's just not opening it up.....ever.

I pulled everything out and began to sort stuff.  It's mostly my camera stuff.  I have three different systems, all cluttered up in there.  How can such a little camera have so much stuff that goes along with it?  Battery charger, cables, instruction books & DVDs.

I eventually got it all sorted and bagged separately, each system in their own zip-loc bag (seriously, what did we ever do before this invention?) and stashed them in a cabinet in another room.  Let's see how long it takes for Dave to notice :)

With everything so easy to find, I decided to take the little point and shoot on our weekend ride.  When I transferred the photos to the laptop, look what I found!  A photo from August 2011!  This is E sporting the new Hog wear we brought back from our Ozark ride.  I wonder if he can still wear these?

He is absolutely adorable though!

1 comment:

W and J said...

yup! he does!! We call them his "Pig Suey" pjs.