Thursday, September 1, 2011

He's Here!

I seriously wondered how I would feel about the second grandson. I LOVE Ezra so much that I didn't know how I would feel about the second one. I'm totally in LOVE with the new one too. Isn't it wonderful that God makes us so that we can LOVE more than we even think possible? I was concerned that Ezra would feel shorted when the new guy came along. Well, Ezra knows something has changed, but doesn't know what to make of it. I told Dave that I needed to show Ezra some extra special attention since this is going to be so traumatic for him. Dave's response? "More? How is that possible?"

Here are some photos from today, a momentous occasion, the arrival of Boy! The grandson to be named later!

This is how Boy's father experienced child birth
This is how Boy's mother experienced child birth
This is how Boy's G.Pa experienced child birth, post-partum
This is how Boy's G.Ma experienced child birth, post-partum
I just didn't know how it could get any better than the first I know. This is the most fabulous event possible...especially when I'm not the one giving birth! J is a total natural, and W is getting pretty good at it too. They make wonderfully, fabulous babies, with the help of God.....good work W, J & God!


Tara said...

Congrats, you guys!!

You know, I was worried about the love I would have for Peyton. How could I love a baby as much as I loved Brady? Throughout the pregnancy, my bond wasn't the same with Peyton. I worried every day that I wouldn't love him as much. Sure, I would love him, he was my son, but Brady would always be top-dog, ya know?

Literally, moments after Peyton came out of me, it was like this whirlwind of emotions and love. I loved him SO MUCH. And the bonding and growth of love that took place over those first few days was astronomical. I fell in love hard and fast and forever.

It really is amazing how it all works out. God is awesome.

So happy Jessica seemed to have a MUCH better/easier delivery this time than with Ezra, and so happy she finally got that home birth she has been longing for!

Stef said...

Congrats to you both! You have beautiful Grandsons!