Saturday, July 13, 2013

Park Time

You may remember last year when we began having both boys, at the same time. We took them to the park and well, I may have let T take a header off the steps where there may have been blood involved. I am happy to say that we have survived and are thriving at the park. We're learning what T can handle and also, what we can't handle. T is doing much better than we are. While we can still move about, it is tough on the joints. Especially difficult is trying to fit in to the tunnels and crawl. We do that once, learn, and do not repeat.

The slide is always fun, for everyone
Theo set up shop, Ezra was his customer before he went pirate
Theo still loves the speakers and I'm happy he can reach them all by himself
Look at that blond hair! He looks so much like his cousin Charis that it fools iPhoto.

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