Sunday, October 7, 2012

They're Watching!!!!

Grandson #2, aka Baby T, is 13 months old. Keep that in mind.  We just returned from a two week trip and J brought the boys by our house so we could love on them.  Two weeks is forever.  Far too long to go without hugging and kissing on your grandchildren.  They change so much.  When we left, Baby T was hanging on to furniture and taking a step to hang on to another piece of furniture.  When we returned, he's walking all over the place. Able to get in to even more stuff.

We had the remotes on the coffee table (silly us, we usually put them up when the boys are coming over), he reached and picked up one of them, and look what he did...
Try to get beyond the fact that he is so stinkin' adorable....I know that's nearly impossible to do.....because he is so stinkin' adorable....see what he's doing? He's picked up the remote and is holding it to his if it were a phone!  Now where do you suppose he gets that from?  Here's a hint.......

Photo removed on request (really a demand)

yep, that's his Mama playing on her phone.  Oh, and that's not a roll of fat....that's #3...a GIRL!!!!!! She's not going to like this photo..I'll brace myself for the screaming call (which woke us up from a sound sleep).

Those little babies are watching everything we adults do....especially mom & dad (and G.Ma and G.Pa, etc.).  We all need to become the people we want those little people to become.  And I'm afraid that means putting away the electronics, practicing good manners (living considerately with one another), speaking properly (clean up the language, increase the vocabulary), not multi-tasking, reading our Bible and good books, following the rules (well, most of them) etc., etc.


W and J said...


Tara said...

Ok I'm really wishing I woulda checked the blog before the photo was removed lol