Friday, December 26, 2008

Grand Dog Duty

Jess & Wills are celebrating their first anniversary in San Francisco, leaving the dogs at home. As a refresher, they adopted two dogs, Edie's two least favorite breeds.....pit bull (JoJo) and chihuahua (Pancho). But we're all getting along well and Edie is learning to love the dogs. So this evening we went to the their home to tend to the cute critters. We fed them as instructed, even administering the meds to JoJo. It all went so well. Then we took them out to do their business....this was not as effortless and quick as we were led to believe.

First off, we're not too sure how those harness collars work...Pancho could have been hindered a bit with the way we put this on. It worked, but it looked odd. Then out the door we all went. The dogs seemed to know what to do and where to go...we simply followed. The potty part went quickly, but the other just wasn't happening. And Pancho, the male, could possible be dehydrated from sprinkling EVERY item he came near.

We came up with a plan, it had been 30 minutes and it was dark and cold. So off we went down the street headed towards Main Street. They were happy walking, but not doing what we wanted them to do....their business. Then we figured that maybe they were a little hyped up because it was us and not Jess & Wills. So we headed back home so they might be a little more comfortable. When we got to the front of the complex, it was like magic. We should have brought flashlights because it was a little tough to actually see where we needed to clean up. But all worked out and then we tucked them back in to their home.

Dave gave them a bit of snack bone....I hope this doesn't make them go more....since the housesitter doesn't arrive for hours.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Celebrating Kwanzaa

I do not have the Christmas cards done...or even started....I have no idea where the cards we purchased may be located. So while driving to church this morning the perfect answer came to me.....forget Christmas cards and newsletter and just send Kwanzaa cards and newsletter! It's a fake holiday that is celebrated between Christmas and New Years. This is something started in the US, mostly celebrated by people of African descent. This is not anything that came from Africa. But the timing works for me.

Another Military Homecoming

Patriot Guard....these are the bikers that escort the military person to the Welcoming...often times the parent (generally the Mom) has arranged the whole thing as a surprise. The Mom is happy and excited...the child, not so much..they always look overwhelmed and a bit embarrassed...the Mom doesn't mind at all.

One of the attendees of the homecoming has an appropriate license plate.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Military Homecoming

We went to another Homecoming last week for Chris, the eldest son of Matt & Cindy. The arrival was all set for 8 pm. I was at home, all warm and comfy, and did not want to venture out. I was feeling really guilty for even considering missing the event. After all, Chris is a Marine and was getting back from months in extreme conditions...and here I was not wanting to leave my warm cozy home. I mentioned this to Dave and the look he gave me....

So off we went. Along Main Street (if you haven't seen the decorations you're missing a spectacular scene) there were a handful of somber looking people in front of the Museum. They were holding a very large sign.....Pleasantons 4 Peace. Where do you suppose the opposition to that could be?

As we neared the home of Chris' parents, the streets were lined with cars and Welcome Home & Thank You signs. The court had been closed off and there were tons of people milling about. It was very cheerful....neighbors, friends, strangers were talking and greeting one another. We ran in to several people we hadn't seen in months. Everyone was having a good time.

We had to stop our visit when the Patriot Guard motorcycle escort arrived with Chris and family right behind them. It was 44 degrees and I was cold just standing still...I can't imagine what it would be like on a motorcycle riding in from the Oakland Airport.

Cindy was happy to have her #1 child home at and sound and all grown up. But then I realized that as elated as Cindy dear friend Jan is churning because her only son is about to go to Afghanistan at the end of the month. It was rather poignant....and very real. This is the reality of any conflict...many faces...and not many are pretty.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Open House

It was so nice to attend someone else's Open House. We drove down to Almaden to see Robert & Teri's home. It is so beautiful. Very nice to see people making changes to their home that fit their lifestyle, and not some formula. Their home looks so nice and comfortable...very upscale too.

Plus we were able to visit with people we enjoy so much. Good time was had by we got to see everyone's babies.

France is complete!

The France 2007 album is complete...mostly photos of food!

Birthday Celebration

The Magic Couple made dinner for us...we would love to tell you what it was, but we're really not sure. They told us several times, but it just was too exotic for us to know what it was, much less spell it for you. All we know is that it was fish and prepared in parchment paper. It smelled so good when we split the paper open.

Then there was a very tasty ice cream cake. Thank goodness they did not put all those candles on it, that would have set off the fire alarm. Edie is not too impressed with another birthday because they are just coming around way too fast.

We then taught Wills how to play Hearts. Thankfully he was a total newbie and did not whip us like he did with Rubikube. Edie spanked all of us and was particularly pleased when she "shot the moon" and stuck everyone with points.

The granddogs were entertaining and well behaved. Pancho sat on Edie's lap....Edie was closest to the food, don't be fooled that Pancho has a favorite.