Wednesday, October 28, 2009

International Small Group

The Germans

Jessica has a lovely young couple from Heidelberg, Germany staying with her. We invited Anne to our Monday afternoon small group, aka scrapbooking & card making time. She's a natural, very crafty. So now we have an International Small Group!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's Good to be Dave

Dave and his new Ultra Classic Electra Glide

It was very sad to say Good-Bye to the Road King Classic with 60,000 glorious miles of memories....but now we're on to making new memories!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Baby Shower

Mama 2 B, Jessica along with the Heather, Megan, Tara (with eyes closed), and Lindsay
Jessica with her new beautiful blanket with hand embroidered squares by Ann, Diane, G-Ma and then quilted by Auntie Rhonda

This was so much love....the whole room was filled with people who love Jessica, Wills, and their baby. There were so many lovely, creative, and amazing gifts. I didn't know they had all these things for babies! It makes you wonder how we ever raised babies before!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Here we go....

♥ What are your middle names?
Anne & Kent

♥How long have you been together?
Almost 30 years

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
At least a year

♥ Who asked who out?
No one....we were carpooling and one thing led to another

♥ Who made the first move?
Definitely him. I was trying to set him up with my friend
until she told me that if I thought he was so great,
why didn't I date him myself

♥ How old are each of you?

♥ Did you go to the same school?

♥ Are you from the same home town?
We are now!
me-Fremont, I guess

♥ Who is the smartest?
Dave.  I'm quick, but he's thorough and deep.

♥ Who majored in what?
Both - Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting

♥ Who is the most sensitive?
Tough to say, we trade off

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We mostly eat at home unless we're on the road, so tough to say

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

♥ Who has the worst temper?
Oh that's a definite Edie

♥ How many children do you want?
A quiver full ;) of grandchildren

♥ Who does the cooking?

♥ Who is more social?

♥ Who is the neat-freak?
Dave is all about clutter free
Edie is all about cleanliness

♥ Who is the most stubborn?
Both, I guess. Dave says Edie, but Edie says Dave

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
Edie may wake up earlier but Dave definitely gets up earlier

♥ Where was your first date?

♥ Who has the bigger family?
Dave, by one

♥ Do you get flowers often?
Rarely, in fact I can't remember the last time

♥ How do you spend the holidays?
For Thanksgiving, we have dinner here.
We're anyone's best guests for Christmas.

♥ Who is more jealous?
Neither!  We're secure in our relationship...or we realize no one else
would put up with us!

♥ How long did it take to get serious?
Oh my! Not long at all.  We were just gun shy to marriage.

♥ Who eats more?

♥ What do you do for a living?

♥ Who does the laundry?
Edie, and she is VERY serious about the laundry

♥ Who’s better with the computer?
Dave, Edie has zero patience

♥ Who drives when you are together?

♥ What is "your" song?
Autumn Wind