Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Baby Ultrasound

Sorry, no photos allowed at Kaiser....

The four of us met at Kaiser in P-Town for the first look at Baby Swenson #13. The parents kept with the "no gender identity" policy, much to G-Pa's chagrin (that's the names for us now...G-Pa and G-Ma, I guess it is an attempt to make us sound hip). I keep thinking he'll like this because I'm not shopping until I know the gender. You try buying without knowing the gender...everything is gender specific now.

We sit in the waiting room...Jessica is moaning because she had to drink 32 oz. and then not use the toilet. The girl has a bladder the size of a pea under the best of circumstances. She went in with the technician and left the three of us to wait. After at least a half an hour we were allowed to enter the room and see the computer screen with the baby. Can I just say that it is totally amazing to watch this little thing floating around. Jessica is about half way through so you can see the heart beat, hands, feet, spine, head, eyes, just everything! How anyone could even think of terminating a pregnancy is beyond me....especially after seeing an ultrasound.

We left with a handful of photos that I'm sure will end up in a photo album. Plus you can log in to Kaiser and get the images. As soon as I get something, you know they'll be made public!

Everyone is happy and healthy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dave redeems himself

We left South Lake Tahoe around 7 am and headed around the lake towards Truckee. No crowds, perfect weather, and spectacular scenery. Dave saw the sign and pulled right in.

Donna & Edie had chorizo and eggs, Dave had crab benedict, and here's what Bret had.....

3 Day Weekend in the Sierras

We always begin our rides by filling up at the Bernal Shell Station and then meeting for coffee at Starbucks. This time we started a little early, 7:30 am. We're just so excited to get on the road!

Filling up for the first time on the road. That means we're at least 100 miles away from P-Town.

Prices are a little higher in the mountains, but about $1 less than last quickly we forget gas prices over $4.

Our first meal stop, not one of our favorites. The cheese didn't melt on my omelette...on the inside!

Dave even made 2 stops along the Tioga Pass!

Is there anything more beautiful than Yosemite?

We went over Tioga Pass, north on 395 to 89 (which is spectacular) then to 88, then to Nevada 206 and then Nevada 207 to South Lake Tahoe. We called ahead to reserve a room and called the wrong place! We didn't need to call ahead because the town is nearly empty. And the room was a small step above a dump.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Duarte's is a place we passed by so many times. Then we saw it on the Food Channel's "Drive-in, Diner's and Dives" so we decided to check it out. The artichoke soup (half and half especially) is fantastic. And the crab sandwich is the best. The pie isn't bad either!

Then we headed down the street to the Country Bakery and bought a loaf of bread to finish baking at home.

This is a lovely place to have lunch or pick up stuff for a picnic.

Our Independence Day Rally

We met up with a group of guys who where out for the day. They came up from Orange County to see the Moto races.
Bret, Randy, and Dave looking cool at the rest stop on Highway 9, just west of Skyline. See the blanket of fog? The weather was perfect...not too hot...not too cold...just right!
Bret and Donna....before the backrest snapped and Donna could no longer lean back and nap.
Randy and Annette....finally take the bike out and join us.
That's us! Edie was still on drugs, so she was a passenger today and relaxed...stinkin' poison oak.
Dave is just so hot!

Just say NO to cruel people who vandalize

Okay people, this may be necessary to guard our clothesline. This should give them something to get amped up about!
Dave puts the finishing touches on the repair of our vandalized outdoor drying device (aka clothesline). We thought this was over, but some people just can not move on. Let us all have a moment to pray for the sorry soul(s) who have time in their live(s) to do such a thing.

A Day on the Napa River

Our good friends Pete and Teresa invited us to spend the day in Napa. Here they are while cruising along the Napa River.
The day was arranged by Acacia winery where we ended up having lunch. Who knew that corn on the cob tasted so good with a squeeze of lime and paprika?

Hear the Heartbeat

Doula Di listening to the heartbeat of Little Grandbaby Swenson.....sounds loud! What a joy!