Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Baby Ultrasound

Sorry, no photos allowed at Kaiser....

The four of us met at Kaiser in P-Town for the first look at Baby Swenson #13. The parents kept with the "no gender identity" policy, much to G-Pa's chagrin (that's the names for us now...G-Pa and G-Ma, I guess it is an attempt to make us sound hip). I keep thinking he'll like this because I'm not shopping until I know the gender. You try buying without knowing the gender...everything is gender specific now.

We sit in the waiting room...Jessica is moaning because she had to drink 32 oz. and then not use the toilet. The girl has a bladder the size of a pea under the best of circumstances. She went in with the technician and left the three of us to wait. After at least a half an hour we were allowed to enter the room and see the computer screen with the baby. Can I just say that it is totally amazing to watch this little thing floating around. Jessica is about half way through so you can see the heart beat, hands, feet, spine, head, eyes, just everything! How anyone could even think of terminating a pregnancy is beyond me....especially after seeing an ultrasound.

We left with a handful of photos that I'm sure will end up in a photo album. Plus you can log in to Kaiser and get the images. As soon as I get something, you know they'll be made public!

Everyone is happy and healthy!


W and J said...

Well put, G-ma! :D And we can see the images online?!? How? You can borrow some pictures to scan. I'll bring them tomorrow!

Megan said...

Hello! I'm one of Jess's freinds. That's so cool that you got photos to keep!

And a note about terminating the pregnancy. I have heard the statistic that something like 90% of girls who get an ultrasound do not terminate the pregnancy. My church supports a clinic called Choices that gives free ultrasounds to every pregnant girl that comes in looking for an option (they don't do abortions). But yeah, those ultrasounds are powerful!

Congrats on being a G-Ma!