We hopped back on a different tour bus, with a live guide that we couldn't understand his "English". We laughed at everyone else laughing at his jokes. But when Sabrina and Dave began snoring, we headed back to the hotel for a nap.
We met at 5:30 for a spot of tea and shortbread biscuits and then we were off to our Witches tour at 7. That tour was so entertaining and a great value. We learned about all the many barbaric punishments and a lot about life and history of the town.
We ended the night with an excellent Italian dinner. We were a bit concerned about the food in this country, and we're not too wild about the Scottish fare, but there are plenty of places to chose from and we're not going hungry.
Off and on rain every day with temps in the low 60's. We think it is cool but the locals keep commenting on how warm it is!
We're going back to the Royal Mile in the am, with a tour of a museum and then flying off to Ireland. The place we're staying is in Ennis. We're not too sure how to pronounce that, but the guys have made up a rhyme that they're taking their "p___s" to Ennis. We leave it up to your imagination to fill in the blanks.