Saturday, March 2, 2013

Three's the Charm and We are Charmed

We now have THREE grandchildren! So hard to believe. It's just like our daughter to overwhelm us. Everyone is healthy, happy, and exhausted. Dare I saw the exhausted part is the "new normal"?

After two boys we now have a girl. She's fitting the stereotype too, she was due on the 20th and made us all wait...until the following month! She does have a cool birthdate of 3.1.13.

The birth of #1 was filled with drama and #2 was so fast we didn't have time to fret. W & J birth the babies at home. This adds a whole new dimension for us. We think of all the horrible things that can go wrong and require technical medical intervention. Then there's always the fielding of questions and comments from people. We did receive periodic texts and photos as the labor progressed. We were tethered to our phones. We received the text that #3 had arrived while Dave was meeting with a client. Dave's client was as excited as we were when we received the photo and passed around our phones so they could see too.

We brought the boys to meet their new baby sister the next day. W & J had presents for them from their sister. E didn't really understand that and asked questions.
Please pay no attention to the fact that E has not combed his hair and his sweater is hopelessly wrinkled. I think we earn medals since he's alive, clean, and fed. That is my new gold standard.

Here's Ezra filled with glee at the sight of his brand new baby sister
And of course he had to touch her
I'm certain he hasn't washed his hands in the last hour and I have no idea where his hand has been. Forgetting all that, is this not the cutest image of Big Brother's hand, Papa's hand (that looks as if the first finger is half missing), and sweet baby girl's tiny little precious hand?

So now it's Theo's turn to meet his new little sister. It is exactly 18 months and his position as the baby of the family has been usurped. Guess how he's going to take this. Go ahead and guess. He was busy exploring and touching everything while we were all distracted and here's how he looked when we all said "Theo, come meet your new baby sister"
He took one look at her, turned to J and began to cry for his Mama. Actually it was more like wailing. This broke Dave's heart and he swooped in to comfort Theo.
Jessica assures us, she even sent a photo as proof, that after a two hour nap he woke up and cuddled with his new baby sister.

Vesper Wren Swenson has arrived and we will never be the same.


W and J said...

Theo's first face: priceless. Poor sweet guy! Hope you got in a a good nap after all that fretting and those crazy wild boys!! ;)

Stef said...

oh my word, what a fun post from Nana! I loved reading this. Jess' new normal totally brings back memories of my new normal when my 3rd was born, back-to-back with my 1st and 2nd. Then we had an almost 4 year gap and welcomed our 4th :)

So happy for you guys! Congrats!