Monday, March 15, 2010

At Last, a Ride!

Donna, Bret and me
Potty stop in Calistoga

At the urging of my sweet husband (who worked while I played) I asked Bret if he wanted to ride on Saturday.....silly question! Of course! So we met up at 9 am, I foolishly thought it would warm up by then. It was freezing! I had so many layers on I felt like the Michelin Man!

Bret said it was Ladies' choice on where to ride so I spent plenty of time scouring the web for a great lunch spot...that's how I select where to ride. I decided on the Rutherford Grill and it was a fabulous choice, if I do say so....the ride wasn't bad either :)

The only damper on the ride was the cold and the fact that I could barely lift my right arm since I had trained solo on Friday and Jon the trainer found a couple of "effective" exercises, one included the triceps which torched my right tricep.

We arrived home in plenty of time for me to get ready for Dave's 40th high school reunion! I was exhausted but still managed to have a good time.

1 comment:

william said...

So where's the post on the HS Reunion? 8o)