Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011!

Well this year we changed things up a bit. We have been going to a friend's home in recent years, but they got divorced in 2010 so we all had to make different plans. We ended up doing one of our favorite things in the world......staying at home! But the best part was having Ezra for the whole weekend. His parents spent the weekend in the wine country celebrating their 3rd anniversary, William's new job, and their charmed life...we still call them the "Magic Couple".

But mostly we watched football all weekend......all football....all weekend. Ezra now lifts up both arms straight up when the football crosses in to the end zone. We no longer need to say "touchdown". That's how much football this boy watched. And we were really pleased that the Raiders won. Silly, but we're so happy to be at .500.

Still no new photos. My camera can't snap photos fast enough to capture the quick moving Ezra. My new iPhone has a faster response time, but I've yet to learn how to download/upload the photos. I think technology may have passed me by, or I just need to get motivated to learn a new trick.

We are so blessed to be happy, healthy, and surrounded by family and friends. We're eagerly anticipating more joy in 2011.

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