Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

For Mother's Day, Dave and William prepared a delicious meal for all the Mom's (great grandma, grandma, & mama)....and of course Ezra was the center of attention.

Here's Ezra playing hide and seek with a napkin. He was sitting on a chair without a booster (after he finished eating because as cute as he is, which is VERY cute, he's not sitting on the chair without protection)

Sorry no food photos....and I'm also leaving out the lovely flowers from Dave too...I need to get back in to practice on this photo thing.


william said...

I took a few pics of the dessert. Did they not come out?! And I'm pretty sure I got some other cuter ones that must have not made the blog cut.

I think I'm stealing your camera more than you're using it. I could always take it off your hands if it's too much of a responsibility. ;)

p.s. much better w/o the date stamp!

william said...

oooops, signed into W's account...