Monday, May 20, 2013

Adventures in Hair Cuts for Boys

Let's make this clear, I MUCH prefer that little boys have little boy haircuts. In this family I am in the minority. Our daughter likes that we take E for haircuts, but I must be accompanied by Dave. They're in fear (and not completely unfounded) that E will come home with short hair. The one wish I am granted is that the hair is not in his eyes.

We've tried a few places and nothing really works. We are just not feeling the vibe and the cut isn't that good. Granted, we are limiting the stylist by our demands and we're going to the cheapest places.

We stumbled on a place that was only $10, we all felt comfortable (could be because it's a little family owned shop where there were wee ones and birds), the stylist was friendly, comfortable, quick, and talented. And the best part? I got a text from J that it was the best haircut ever!

We'll be back to the Haircutting Co.


W and J said...

yup! totally dig it! apparently it's hard to cut a little guy's hair evenly. She nailed it!

Tara said...

aw! that's erika! does jess remember going to school with her? we graduated with her! :)