Friday, May 17, 2013

Filoli Gardens with Dave and Friends

Can you believe that Dave consented to a trip to Filoli Gardens? Friends invited us to join them for a look at their annual Mothers' Day floral exhibit. There's a theme, this year it was Storybooks.
This is one of my favorites, based upon the book "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes", which I am not familiar with....but will be very soon because I ordered the book from Amazon while still on the tour. Isn't technology awesome?!

Dave wasn't enamored with the floral arrangements, but he did really enjoy exploring the house and learning about the history.

We all enjoyed walking through the gardens. I just can't imagine how many people were required to plant and maintain the gardens.
Then we went for lunch nearby at the Lobster Shack (Great food, friendly staff, and perfect weather) and took a tour of the local neighborhood where Teresa showed us the home her dad built. Another great adventure with friends.

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