Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 12 - London, England

Okay, now you know how we hate to complain, but the weather took another turn to the cold side! One of the locals said "we have all four seasons in one day"! So out came the sweaters again and the socks. We did leave the umbrellas in our rooms, but it did sprinkle today.
We did the hop on/hop off bus tour through the city and saw all the big things.....Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Tower of London, Parliment, and a river cruise. Boy, are we tired.
We had tea with scones and cottled cream and whiskey again....took a nap/read again....and regrouped at 7 for champagne and little bites to eat....then off to dinner where we talked to a couple and may have a scenario for next year.
Tomorow we tackle the Tube!
Street vendor that Edie bought a stamp for crafting, the others were kind but were really not that interested in looking at every one of his many stamps, go figure. Odd thing, Sabrina has not purchased a thing....yet.
Guard at Buckingham Palace
Michael and Sabrina in front of the gate at Buckingham Palace
Big Ben
Tower Bridge
There is so much to do and so little time so we're using cabs sometimes. They are quite reasonable, very clean, and the drivers are so professional.


Anonymous said...


ckapfenberg said...

Hi and good guys are probably asleep by now.....It has to be after midnight....The weather can certainly change quickly there we see.......Well, the weather will be changing here too...just in time for your arrival....triple digits by saturday. You will not need a sweater or an umbrella! Just shorts and a swimsuit!
My life is boring. I have no news. It's my day for Makayla tomorrow so I look forward to that. She is thinking about sitting up on her own......will be 6 months old on the getting close.
Rita and I worked out this AM and Ashley brought over some heavier guage bands for me to work with....I am getting stronger!
amazing - but not amazing at the same time that I started and refreshed my diet with counting calories again because I think I held the same weight for about 2 months.....and Bingo....lost two pounds last week. every once in awhile I will need to re-organize my brain. It really has worked well doing a chart....and I also write down events and when we have guests etc.....and it is true testament...
bye for now kids.
Hope you are really having a great time.

Anonymous said...

Yes, worked out today with Carol after several days off due to the labor day weekend. We need a change to our routine, it has gotten too easy...huh Carol? Well, some days easier. We are looking forward to new things to do, thanks Ashley!!!!! I miss you!
Hope you are having fun and cant wait to hear all the stories when you return...S&M and seeing you on our nightly walks, well at least Howard misses you, since I am not always on those those. We miss Cooper too.
See you when you get home....When is that anyway?

greggandcheryl said...

Wow, you guys really whipped through all of the sights today.
Saved from exhaustion by the tea,
scones, cottled cream and of course whiskey. I like the idea of the champagne and little bites before dinner.

Lexi and I went to the Little Gym today for her second session. The instructor used Lexi to demonstrate a somersault. She had only done a couple of them at the last class. She already knows to tuck her head. Is this little lady coordinated or what. I was told she should be walking within two weeks - yikes!!!!!

Keep havin' fun. Don't let the heat get you down. It's better than what we expect this Sat. and Sun.

Miss ya,

Megan said...

Not sure how up-to-date the American news is over there but, had to keep my fellow American Idol fans up-to-date... Ellen will be the new judge!!! Just wanted to keep you in the loop!

W and J said...

SYTYCD started last night!! I hope it's still in the DDR thingy cuz we were driving home. Don't forget about the stamp/card party on Tues!! See you Sat!! :) Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hi...Mom you were supposed to buy me something at Harrods...what's up with that? You still have time! All the pictures look awesome...sorry you had to pull out the sweaters!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

So glad you have warmth and sunshine...the headaches came because your brains got water-soaked in Ireland....
I can hardly wait to see the stamp you bought in England...very proper, no doubt...
The cabbies are usually nice and act as a tour guide...a good deal for the price.
Take care...Come are missed!