Saturday, December 19, 2009

Coming Home!

Jessica isn't too happy with the bottle, but he needs to get nourishment.
That's one cute baby..he'll grow in to the newborn outfit.
G-Ma finally gets to hold the baby.
At the last minute, we got the word that Ezra would be released and allowed to go home.  He has to come back on Monday to check out his progress.  The word is that babies who have a difficult delivery, like getting vacuumed out, are slow to eat, etc.  Things are not progressing as usual, but with lots of prayer and encouragement they will improve.  Ezra had a bit of difficulty latching on to the breast and nursing for any length of time.  He lost over 8% of his birth weight and was a bit dehydrated, requiring an injection of fluids, and then was borderline jaundiced, requiring a lot of time under the lights.  We can see how anyone less determine than Jessica and Wills to breast feed their baby would be discouraged.

The new family has come home and hunkered down to work on being a new family unit and enjoying each other.  G-Pa and G-Ma have gone home to get some rest.

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