Friday, September 3, 2010

Ezra Update

I thought that maybe I was going a little overboard with my grandson, Ezra, so I haven't posted any photos in awhile. Well, I can't help myself any longer! He has a lot of white hair, very blue eyes, a couple of teeth, and a precious smile.

Here is his crawling pose....he is on one knee and then his foot. When he crawls he looks like he's hopping along...which is very entertaining but his mom doesn't like my jokes about his unusual style, imagine that!

He's been pulling himself up for about a month now, and generally prefers to be on his two legs. He's letting go so he can grab something, but it doesn't last too long. He does a very nice shuffle though. And please note that G-Pa Dave is not too wild about his grandson being dressed in Bronco colors...sorry Lindsay.

Ezra with his daddy (who is the favorite right now) at the farm in Sunol where they get their organic produce. He likes the chickens too.

And these are my babies...Ezra and his mommy.

1 comment:

W and J said...

Gosh, Mom, great pictures!!! :D Glad to see Ezra still gracing HIS blog every so often! ;)