Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Last night in Berlin

We're trying to get up to date since our internet connections have been so poor:

So tonight we went French and had the most delicious dinner yet. We were exhausted from our big tour to Potsdam and long walk back to the hotel, so we just went down the block for dinner. We started out with wine for the guys and water (without bubbles) for everyone. Along with a basket of perfect bread.

Then we had salads.....with sheep cheese (very mild) and chopped tomatoes (almost like a salsa) and Dave had grilled goat cheese on little breads.

For the main course the guys had filet mignon with match stick potatoes, and the girls had sole with the most wonderful spinach (it had vinegar and perhaps butter)....oh, and the girls ate most of the guys potatoes.

Salad with sheep cheese

Fabulous dinner and then we leave for Prague in the morning

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