Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Krakow...Day 1

We left Warsaw and headed to Krakow by train. We prefer the train travel. We get a private car (for about $12 total for four)....... One free coffee, water, or tea for free...served by this lovely Polish young woman....

Funny sign in Krakow letting you know they sell alcohol.....
And then we had another wonderful dinner. Here is what a $4 one liter bottle of water looks like. Do you think they fill it up with the tap?

The restaurant was an Italian/Polish mix. This is a $3 Caprese salad

This is a $4.25 Greek salad with chicken.....

And this is what 36 pierogi's look like...for $20. We split this between the four of us. Michael says that since the Polish money is 3 for every 1 dollar, that we can do the same conversion with our calories....what would be a 2,000 calorie intake in the US can now be 6,000 calories in Poland! Therefore we are all getting slimmer every day! I LOVE Poland!

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