Friday, December 10, 2010

Cornerstone Ladies' Christmas Dinner

This is the second year I hosted a table at this dinner. As a hostess you're given a table of eight that must be furnished with plates, glasses (for water and coffee), flatware, napkins, and then anything else to decorate. The tables have a Christmas theme. Last year I went totally non-Christmas, so this year I went with Grinch. My dear friend, Diane, thought this would be fun. She may have been calling me a Grinch, not sure. The theme is that Grinch tries to steal Christmas but we have him caged so Christmas will go on.

Here I am with Diane and my daughters
Lindsay and Jessica looking cute
Teresa, me, and Erika
Susan (she's retired from the CIA, she could tell you what she did there but then she'd have to kill you), Erika, and Diane
Me and Dana

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