Thursday, September 6, 2012

Baby T is One

This is Baby T after enjoying his birthday cupcake.  There are no photos of him with the cute crown his mama purchased because he was not having that thing anywhere near his head.  So funny...just like his mama....she NEVER liked anything on her cute head cute cute hair clips.  Anyway....back to Theo.  We didn't even have a family birthday party.  We tried later but he was having his evening melt down.  You know where he is so tired that he cries and won't let you hold or cuddle him....but he still doesn't want to go to bed?  Not much fun.  I was really hoping to have that First Birthday page in his scrapbook.  This most likely will be a traumatic moment in his childhood when he realizes that he didn't get as much attention as his older brother.  Oh well....he should get use to this....I'm sure we'll make up for it in many other ways.

We are only now getting to know Baby T.  While he was a nursing baby he spent most of his time with his mama.  Now we get time with Baby T and we're figuring things out.  We LOVE this little guy and he finds us useful.

Early on we heard that horrendous screech and we call him a human raptor.  He cleverly figured out this is the most effective way of getting any one's works....quickly....and every time.  We should ignore it until he stops this habit, but it is more painful than fingernails on a chalk board.

Killer smile...his little smile and grin is captivating.  He has so much joy that it can't be contained in his little body so it comes out on his face.

He's got soul....he grooves to the music...any music....and he has rhythm to go with it.  He rocks, sways, waves his arms in the air.

The little guy is crawling like crazy, pulling himself up, and walking along while holding on to things.

He's quite an explorer too.  He'll head on down the hallway, all alone, to search for something interesting.  One of his favorite places is the left cabinet where we keep diapers, wipes, DVD's and all things grandchildren.  His other favorite thing is to crawl back to our bathroom, pull up next to the tub, and then turn the water on and reach in to the stream of water.  He LOVES running water.

He is a VERY picky eater.  We think it may have to do with texture.  He likes his food smooth.  We know right away when he doesn't like something because he spits it out and/or throws's a HUGE mess.

Already he knows how to get his big brother in crying as though he's been hurt...even when his brother hasn't touched him.  How do they know to do that?  He is enjoying his big brother, crawling all over E.Boy, getting in to E.Boy's stuff.  E.Boy tells him he's too little and he can play when he gets big like E.Boy.  We're pretty sure they're going to be friends...and annoy one another too.

We just couldn't possibly love this little guy any more than we already love him.  He is sweet, joyful, and has plenty of grins to melt our hearts.

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