Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bubble Time

One of the very best things about living so close to our grandchildren is that they can drop by for a quick visit...or a long visit.  We get to see our little dudes a couple times a week.  I was asking Dave if they would talk about their crazy G.Ma that's hugging and kissing on them all the time, or if they'd feel really loved.  He wisely answered that they'd feel very loved.  What a wise man I married.  Lucky me.

When we were in Reno, we saw a group of small children playing with bubbles.  Of course we checked it out and paid $10 for a flimsy bubble wand that will last a few days before breaking, if we're lucky.  We readily admit that we NEVER would have made this purchase when we were merely parents.  There's something about "Grand" being attached to parents that makes you nutty.  Really, for us to drop $10 doesn't sound like much.....unless you know's a whole new us.  Sounds downright silly when I say it out loud, but that's how we once rolled.

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