Sunday, September 16, 2012

MoMo to Motorcycle

Our oldest grandson was enamored with all things with wheels from the start.  He learned all about motorcycles from his G.Pa's garage.  He called motorcycles "MoMo's" and we thought it was very cute.  He read through all the motorcycle magazines and pointed out the motorcycles, helmets, and every rider was his G.Pa.

There were two motorcycles and he liked his G.Ma's mostly because he fit better on the smaller one.  He no longer asks his G.Pa to take him to the garage to sit on the motorcycle, but he still likes it....since he climbed up, all by himself, without asking (need to work on that one) while visiting this week.

You can really tell how much he's grown too.....

I sure hope G.Pa checks all the switches and dials before he rides.....

He's just too cute...and still doesn't quite fit in to the helmet.....

1 comment:

Michelle Weiss said...

Scott and I love how he called them Momo's.