Friday, August 10, 2012

Theo...the Mess

My sweet handsome baby grandson is the messiest baby I have ever seen.  He's chubby so we know he's getting enough to eat, but honestly, we hose him down after every meal.  I've thought of putting down a shower curtain when he eats but he has an arm and he hurls his food all over the place.  In fact, we should maybe wear shower caps and suits just being around him.  I don't even want to tell you what he's doing to my hard wood floors. When I'm with him I make sure I'm wearing machine washable clothing, no jewelry that he can tug on, and my hair pulled back. Doesn't this sweet smile melt your heart?

He's also an explorer.  We are now clearing the coffee table of everything since he can now pull himself up.  All the doors are closed too, just trying to contain him.  He can not be trusted.  He wanders off and is content to look around and try everything out.

I had an entire hour, all to ourselves, to spend time with him.  I just loved on him the entire time.  That doesn't happen very often with two, so it was very special.