Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Park Time

We spend at least one afternoon a week with our grandsons.....without their parents supervising. What are they thinking?

We spend time on the swings. Which is something new. E was never a big fan of swings. He's so grown up now. He likes to be pushed "high" but not too "high". We did have a challenge keeping Theo from walking in front of his brother and getting knocked to the ground.
Theo's favorite is the speaker. This is something added to the playground since their Mama was a young girl. He likes to be lifted up so he can "talk" in to the speaker and hear it back in a loud voice. The little guy likes noise.
 T Boy likes to try climbing up the slide....after he crawls around and gets stuff stuck to his clothes.
This is included just because he's so cute. He was so tired and exhausted, plus it was seriously hot. He could barely lift his head. And he failed to keep his head up on at least one occasion where he smacked his mouth and may have chipped his tooth. Perhaps we do need supervision.
We brought them back to the house and had them take a bubble bath in our big tub....where T hit his mouth again. The bubble bath in the tub just made him extra slippery. He likes to stand up and we just couldn't keep him down. We put a stop to the fun in the big tub. We dressed them and kept them away from hard surfaces until they were reclaimed by their parents.

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