Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's getting closer....

This is the last Tuesday in our apartment. Dave made a great meal, but we ate with little forks. We can hardly wait until we have our plates and flatware. This adventure has lost luster and we're ready to move up the hill.

If we had it to do all over, we would have tossed out all our stuff instead of storing it, and then buy all new stuff. Here we are, two people that milk the last use out of anything, and we're just ready to walk away from everything and buy new stuff. New stuff is so cheap and easier than packing the old stuff away and paying to store it for months. We can barely remember what it is we have in storage. And the stuff we can remember, we're thinking won't even fit in our new home! We are not sure if we've moved beyond stuff, or we're just tired of all this moving.

Now our office, the only constant in our lives, is totally torn up. We've switched our e-mail from DSL (which is not available on the hill) to Comcast (which now has a business level service). Our phone service was moved today and we switched from our long time reliable Custom Communications voice mail. The service is attached to the house, but not completely wired through the house to our new office phones. For now, we're not really certain where our calls are going. And we're not calling to ask, because Edie spent over 3 hours arranging for our home AT&T service to transfer from the apartment to the hill. And she was not her sweet self after all this time on the phone.

But we now have 7 door mats that are perfect for the house and were found by Sarah at Target at an extremely low price. Does it get any better than that?

1 comment:

william said...

I think the sweetness will truly set in when all of the superfluous keys are turned in and you are all consolidated-phones and internet and all-up the hill. It's exciting!
And congrats on the mats. When they're right it's a great touch.