Thursday, August 28, 2008

Last night in the Apartment

It's been a really nice place to stay for almost 10 months. The location is perfect, the management is outstanding, and it's a very nice apartment. And the best part is the killer laundry room! But this is the final night, we'll be in our home tomorrow night.

We have our new desks, which are really nice, phone service (although the voice mail still isn't fully functional), and the internet is set up. It's a totally new way for us to work. After three decades, we're hoping we can make the transition to the new digs. Dave set up the closet organizer in the office and it's going to work out really great for us. We're finally going to make full use of this new technology of digital records. We will no longer be tree murderers.

Our kitchen is so spectacular. The oak tree, which is a center of the Arterburn family photos, feels like it's right in the kitchen. The view is amazing. We may even enjoy washing dishes.

We're still experiencing snubbing from the neighbors (clothesline haters) but we're expecting this to pass. It's just not good for their physical or emotional health to carry around that much hate. Edie continues to pray daily for reconciliation, Dave not so much.

Today was Sally's last day. She will be greatly missed. She's been a daily part of our lives for so many years and we'll miss her. But we're pretty sure Fred has plenty planned for her time. Plus they're in the middle of their own kitchen remodel, and we hear the bathrooms are next.

Our plan is to be pretty much settled in the next week. Then Edie can begin working in Jessica's classroom. Our sweet daughter can have one day on the job where her long-time ardent defender will be backing her up and taking orders from her. Well, we'll see how that taking orders works out.

So our house is done and we still love our contractor, who knew? Just ask and we'll tell you what a great job they did. Better yet, just ask and we'll show you.


william said...

Yeah buddy! Very exciting! Can't wait to see it all moved in! Let me know if I can help, particularly Friday/Saturday afternoon/evenings. And I'll get that light fixed on the truck. 8oP

W and J said...

Can't wait for that one day for you to come help! :D It'll be fabulous!!!! Love you! PS I'll be nice with the orders.