Monday, August 18, 2008

Today I bought a pea trap

Do you know what that is? I didn't until today. It's the curly pipe under a sink, I thought it was called a drain, or an elbow. But since I have selected a pedestal sink, the pieces and parts can be seen. The guys thought to tell me that if i wanted something prettier than the general industrial look, I would need to select a pea trap and, get this.....2 compression angle stops with a flange. Sounds pretty intense. It's the shut off knobs for water. And since I have an old style home, I'm looking for cross hatch knobs. Who knew?

So after one call and visits to two plumbing supply places, I know what I want but it must be "special ordered", my least favorite term. And those knobs? Anywhere from $30 to $120 a piece. For pretty sink knobs.

Way too many choices to make.

But I'm making great progress on the wedding album for the Magic Couple!

1 comment:

william said...

Yay for the album!

And Yay for finding the knobs!

No yay, rather, blah for "special orders"!