Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Afternoon Update

We took a long walk today all along the water, at least 5 80 degrees and tons of sun. We did a little shopping too. And let's just say that the shopkeepers were happy to see us leave. They had this team approach to shoppers, but they were no match for the four of us....we have our act down. They have rarely worked so hard for a sale. Michael felt so sorry for the last guys that he tipped them a Euro! It seems that Turkey is missing the large US presence of military at the air bases.

We did more reading and visiting with others. Oh, and those friendly dogs....a puppy bit one of the passengers and the doctor is now beginning rabie (sp?) shots on her.

We went for a raucous ride on the little Zodiac boat too.

And then there's the Greek dancers that gave a show.

Got to go and get cleaned up for dinner!

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