Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Flood

Last night, along with the thunder and lightening, there was plenty of water. Our hotel got flooded! The rooms on the first floor are soaked. Good thing we're on the second floor. The drains must not have worked very well and the water came in over the door sills. The computers in the public area were damaged, along with the rugs, etc. We're using our laptop again...along with the WiFi. We have no access to Sabrina's email and it's making her crazy. We were able to check the Sharks game results too.


W and J said...

Yuck! No good...but your tub is :D Nice and warm and bubbly!

william said...

And the Philly's? Did you hear 'bout the Philly's?

Here are some photos of the aftermath (gotta copy and paste the url):